1.Brief Introduction

We provide programmatic access to various data resources and analysis tools via our web service APIs. To ensure client and server software from various sources will work well together, the web services are built on the REpresentational State Transfer (REST) open standard.

2.How to use?

The following steps will guide you how to use the web services.

Step 1: Download a client program in the section3 form.

Step 2: Configure the client-side environment. Java,Perl or Python and libraries of dependencies are required.You can use pip to install Python packages and cpan to search and install Perl modules.

Step 3: Run the client program. Firstly, run the program without any arguments to see details of usage, then submit your job with proper arguments. The following are two examples of job submission using the Python2 clients:


  python psisearch2d_urllib2.py --email <email> --database <db> --sequence <seqFile> --evalue 0.001 --num_iter 3 [options...]

3.Web Service Clients

Sample clients are provided for multiple programming languages. For details of how to use these clients, download the client and run the program without any arguments.

Tools Description Language Download Requirements
PSISearch2D PSISearch2D Query-seeded sequence iterative search with novel visualizations for domain & sequence alignments ,combined with Simth-Warterman algorithm. Perl psisearch2d_lwp.pl LWP and XML::Simple
Python2 psisearch2d_urllib2.py urllib2 and xmltramp
Python3 psisearch2d_urllib3.py urllib3 and xmltramp2
Java psisearch2d.jar Java 8